⭐Alicante se sitúa por delante de grandes urbes como Nueva York, Londres, París, Milán y Roma, entre otras 66 localizaciones
Es bien sabido que los alicantinos aman su ciudad y por ello la llaman la » millor terreta del Mon»…. lo que quizá no sabías es que también los es para muchos extranjeros que deciden retirarse en otros países. A este fervor por la ciudad ahora se suman los expatriados, aquellos que viven en ciudades pero no han nacido en ellas. Y es que el segundo puesto de este ranking, elaborado por InterNations, es para la capital de la Costa Blanca —justo detrás del número uno de Valencia—.
Top (and Bottom) Cities for Budget-Conscious Expats and From Friends to Language: Where It Is (Not) Easy to Settle In articles.
I really like the climate, healthcare, and low monthly costs in Alicante.
Alicante’s results in the Quality of Urban Living Index are not quite as good, though its 19th rank is still respectable. Expats in Alicante consider the affordability (10th), availability (3rd), and quality (3rd) of healthcare to be very good, and they love the local weather (3rd). “I really like the climate, healthcare, and low monthly costs,” a British expats shares. However, results regarding the public transportation system are rather average, with 66% of respondents voicing their satisfaction (vs. 66% globally). What’s more, Alicante just about ranks in the top half for personal safety (29th out of 66), compared to Valencia’s twelfth place for this factor.
Alicante receives its worst results in the Urban Work Life Index, though, where it places 39th. While expats’ overall job satisfaction is only slightly below average (63% positive ratings vs. 65% globally), respondents are particularly dissatisfied with their local career opportunities: 44% rate them negatively (vs. 34% globally). However, like in Valencia, a large share of expats in Alicante (40%) are already retired (vs. 11% globally).